How to Motivate a Sales Team (Tactics That Truly Work)

how to motivate a sales team

What’s the key to building a successful sales team? 

It’s motivation. With a team of highly motivated salespeople, it would be easier for you to reach your target and achieve great results. While there’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach for boosting your team’s morale, there are surefire ways to help them succeed and reach their full potential.

If you want to learn how to motivate a sales team, perhaps now is the best time to level up your approach. Here are six time-tested strategies to help stimulate the motivation of your salespeople.


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A group of successful sales people

A motivated sales team will have the courage to push through despite the obstacles and objections. Still, getting your team to stay motivated isn’t as simple as sending a motivational quote or saying some half-assed words of encouragement. In fact, Steve Keating of LeadToday believes that solid sales management is essential for a steady consistent growth in sales. But the only path to explosive sales growth is leadership.

If your goal is to get your salespeople motivated enough to close more sales, you need to delve deeper into their motivational triggers.

What Is Sale Motivation?

Sale motivation refers to a salesperson’s drive to push through with the sale of a particular product or service. It is also heavily influenced by various external and internal factors, such as the ability to grow and achieve success. A salesperson’s level of sales motivation could positively or negatively affect their performance and career confidence.

“Sales confidence is the ability to enter a room and sell your product to anyone there with ease.” ― Tony Robbins, How to Sell with Confidence

What Motivates a Good Salesperson?

A salesperson is already a goal-driven individual. However, that goal varies from one person to another. While many salespeople work hard for the rewards and incentives, some value the progress of winning. Meanwhile, some find fulfillment by getting acknowledged for their hard work and outstanding sales outcomes.

“For every sale you miss because you were too enthusiastic, you’ll miss a hundred because you weren’t enthusiastic enough.” ― Zig Ziglar

How to Motivate a Sales Team? Six Motivational Tactics That Works

Here are six motivational tactics to help you learn how to motivate a sales team and get them to perform at their best, in line with the sales objectives and overall goals of your business:

#1 Earn their trust.

You cannot lead a team of salespeople and require them to give you their trust. That is not how it works. As a good leader and sales manager, you need to build (or rebuild) their trust so that you can positively influence them to perform at their best, not just as an individual but as a team member.

#2 Reinstill their purpose.

Recognize the fact that not every salesperson is motivated by the same thing. You cannot define their sense of achievement and purpose by just a single objective or goal. You need to approach each of them individually and pay attention to the things that affect their performance. By leveraging the various factors that keep your sales team motivated, you can establish a mutually beneficial way to improve their performance.

#3 Harness their competitive spirit.

Competition can help people feel motivated, especially when something important or valuable is at stake. When the people in your team feel the need to win, it can spark their desire to improve and perform at their best. Using competition to motivate a sales team has long been proven effective, provided that you can keep it healthy and free of conflict.

#4 Create a sense of accomplishment.

Nothing beats the rewarding feeling of being acknowledged and appreciated. Make sure that your top performers are getting the recognition that they deserve. Giving them a hefty commission is one thing, but publishing their names on a leaderboard would motivate them to continue performing beyond the bare minimum.

#5 Reward them for their hard work.

No amount of hard work should be left unrewarded. Ensure that your team feels valued for doing whatever is necessary to reach the sales target. You can even think of it as a perfect time to get creative with your incentive ideas. You can also use the incentives to motivate a sales team to perform better without using money or commissions.

#6 Utilize their strengths and weaknesses.

Salespeople have different strengths and weaknesses. By utilizing their character traits, you can work on helping them realign their focus and motivate them to excel in aspects that could provide them with a sense of growth and fulfillment. For example, you can encourage your go-getter salespeople to perform even better by offering them an irresistibly good incentive or higher commission.

How Do You Appreciate a Sales Team?

Without salespeople, businesses would fail to thrive in the competitive market. When you want to motivate a sales team, you need to make them feel appreciated. By acknowledging their effort in getting more sales, they are more likely to perform even better and continue to provide you with outstanding results.

One practical way to show your appreciation is by providing your sales team with a tool that can help them close deals faster. With Fill, your salespeople will have a seamless way to transact and close sales. Our digital signing solution also makes it easier for salespeople to keep track of each transaction using real-time analytics and instant notifications.

Final Thoughts

By learning some time-tested tactics to motivate a sales team, you can empower your salespeople to achieve optimum results. With a highly motivated sales team in your arsenal, you have the confidence to set higher goals and reach new heights. It also allows you to focus on developing new strategies for improving customer satisfaction.

Fill offers a reliable solution for seamless sales transactions. Get your contracts and sales agreements signed on time while eliminating the tedious paperwork. With our user-friendly document signing tool, you can get your customers to sign deals at any given place or time.

Experience the difference. Start using Fill today.

Kent Cañas

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