How To Draft An Online Tutorial Services Proposal

online tutorial services proposal

With the demand for online learning ballooning exponentially, the e-learning market is in its best season.

According to Allied Market Research, the e-learning sector is estimated to reach $840.11 billion by 2030. Because of this, many are changing their careers and offering tutorial services online. But jumping into the business of online tutoring is not a walk in the park.

Breaking into the world of online tutoring requires a steady client base, and one way to truly nail this is by drafting a compelling proposal for your tutoring service.

This blog post will guide you through some steps to land students in your online tutorial service. We will also delve into how to create a professional and persuasive proposal that showcases your expertise and convinces potential clients of the value you offer. 

online tutorial services proposal

How to Land Clients as an Online Tutor

As long as there is a need to learn, tutors are always in demand. Fortunately, you do not need so much to start your tutoring business. It would be best if you simply had a plan or structure for the learning you provide and got right to landing the right clients who vouch for your skills.

You are halfway ready if you have already mapped out your topic structure in lessons. Here are ways to market yourself and the service you offer to win students over:

Start with family and friends.

You may not know it, but you might have family members or friends who need a tutor. It’s also possible that they know someone who is looking for one. 

You can also start by offering free informal tutoring to family or friends since you can use this to build experience. They can begin signing up for your service if they’re ready for regular tutoring. 

Leverage social media

When used correctly, social media can open the door to many potentials for you. You can start by creating a Facebook page for your online tutoring service and sharing tips. Chances are, when you keep at it, the algorithm causes your posts to land on the feeds of students who need your services. 

Have a portfolio 

If you want to be taken seriously or expand your business later, it’s essential that you set up a carefully crafted portfolio. This will require you to master creating online tutorial service proposals and have a good bio. 
With these, you’ll catch the attention of potential students who want to tutor.

Attend relevant events 

There are plenty of events where you can market your skills, from school meetings to soirees. Attending these events will allow you to connect with parents who are looking for a tutor for their child. 

Drafting your Tutorial Service Proposal

Once you have successfully acquired one or some students ready to take the courses you offer, you have to share a proposal detailing what they would expect from your tutorship. This document is very useful in protecting yourself and your students from problems arising during and after your program, like asking for learning that wasn’t promised or under-delivering your service. Your tutorial proposal will typically contain the following pages:

Cover page

The cover page is the first thing students see when they receive your proposal. This is why you must ensure it is visually attractive and enough to gain their attention. To achieve this, you can customize the document’s text, logo, images, and font to fit your chosen brand aesthetic.


The introduction page is a way to introduce yourself to potential clients. You can explain the benefits of hiring you as a tutor and your credentials. 


Processes and timelines

The next part of the document is where you explain your action plan related to your services. You can also set up a timeline that you can follow for each topic you will cover. 

Case study

If you already have some experience tutoring other students, you can include that when drafting an online tutorial services proposal. This is a powerful tool you can use to convince new clients that you are capable of providing what they need. 


It’s also advisable to include information on how you charge for your services. Do you charge per hour or have a monthly subscription? Do you offer discounts to clients who book multiple lessons? Potential clients will be looking for this kind of information. 


You can also include a section for the Terms and Conditions of your proposal to help set ground rules. If the client decides to sign the document, he can easily send it back to you.

Download a Free Tutorial Proposal Template

When you have a clean-looking tutorial services proposal, you stand a chance of demonstrating professionalism, which will boost your clients’ trust in what you offer. 

Here is a free tutorial service template to help you if you’re starting out. You can save time on research and writing and customize this to fit your brand. 

You can use Fill to send it directly to your potential customers for signing. 

Online Tutoring Services Proposal

Simplify Your Tutorial Proposal Creation with Fill

Instead of spending time learning how to create a tutorial proposal from scratch, you can use tools like Fill. 

Fill has a full template gallery you can explore when you need official documents or forms for any industry. All you have to do once you find one is customized to your preference.

You can send the proposal to potential clients using the same Fill App and have them sign the document immediately. 

Try Fill for free today to create contracts and proposals like a pro.

Andria Pacina

Andria is a seasoned content writer, specializing in document management solutions and HIPAA compliance, providing valuable insights for businesses and professionals alike.

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