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Child Guardian Consent Form

1 signer
1 Parent
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Explore Our Child Guardian Consent Form

A Child guardian consent form is used by parents to lay out the details of how they will co-parent their child (or children) even though they are no longer romantically involved. The Agreement addresses issues such as education, legal custody, visitation schedules, health insurance etc. Parents can use this document to come to a mutually agreed plan about how they will raise their children together without needing to give up control of decision making to a judge. If both parents can be civil and work in the best interests of their children, they can save money, time and energy by creating a child guardian form by themselves.
Child Guardian Consent Form Template

Why is a Child Guardian Consent Form needed?

Separating a spouse can be a difficult process that negatively affects a child. You can use a child guardian consent form to reduce the conflict between parents by setting clear parenting expectations and responsibilities in these situations. Ultimately, the document can benefit both the parents and the child, allowing them to create an ideal parenting situation that suits their circumstances.
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Add Parent and Child Information

Fill out the names and contact information of both parents and the initials and birthdates of all children. Later in the agreement, you and your co-parent will be referred to as “First Parent” and “Second parent.” Your child(ren) will be called the “minor child.”

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Include Custody Arrangements

Sole Legal Custody, Joint Legal Custody, Sole Physical Custody, Joint Physical Custody

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Create a Parenting/Visitation Schedule

If one parent has sole or primary physical custody of the child(ren), indicate the other parent’s visitation rights. If parents have joint physical custody, your parenting plan should include a parenting schedule that dictates which days the child(ren) will spend with each parent.

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Determine Parent Rights and Responsibilities

Co-parents can use this section to describe their rights to see their children in day-to-day activities, like school sports and emergencies.

Your plan should also clearly state which situations a parent is required to contact the other and how they will communicate the information. For example, if a medical decision needs to be made for the child.

FAQ About Our Child Guardian Consent Form

A typical Parenting Plan includes the following: Custody arrangements Parenting/visitation schedules Holiday schedule Medical decisions & health insurance Communication between parents Child support/expenses Other terms as agreed by parents When creating a parenting plan, include as many details as possible so both parents know exactly how they’re expected to respond in various situations.

Each US state has its own custody documents that parents should file with a family court. You should contact an attorney specializing in family law to ensure that you have the correct paperwork.

Yes, you can modify a Parenting Plan without going to court. The only thing you have to make sure of is that you and the other parent must agree on the new terms. If both parents cannot agree, the modifications will have to be approved by a court judge.

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