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Form 8396 – Mortgage Interest Credit 2022

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Unlock Savings With Form 8396: Mortgage Interest Credit

The Form 8396 Mortgage Interest Credit is a popular form to benefit homebuyers who qualify for a Mortgage Credit Certificate. Developed by the IRS, this program allows those who meet the required criteria to receive a tax credit on the interest they pay on their mortgage. The requirements for qualification can be complex, so it is important to understand the qualification process before applying.

How to Apply for a Mortgage Interest Credit

To apply for the Form 8396 Mortgage Interest Credit, you must have a qualified Mortgage Credit Certificate from your state or local government. A Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) is issued by a state or a local governmental unit. It allows the homebuyer to claim a tax credit for a portion of the interest they have paid over the course of the year for their mortgage. The tax credit applies to the total mortgage interest paid in the given year, up to a maximum of $2,000.

Once you have obtained your MCC, you are qualified to apply for the Form 8396 Mortgage Interest Credit. The first step is to complete the actual form, which is available for download from the IRS website or through this page.

You will need to provide specific information about the loan, such as the mortgage amount, home mortgage interest rate, term, and type of loan. In addition, you will need to provide information about the amount of property taxes paid and how much was applied to the principal balance.

To receive full credit, the borrower must meet certain criteria, including a maximum annual income level and the ability to claim a certain amount of itemized deductions.

What Form 8396 Entails

Form 8396 Mortgage Interest Credit is an excellent way for some individuals to reduce their tax burden related to their home purchase. However, it is important to ensure that you understand all of the qualifications and requirements before you apply for the credit, as well as the potential for recapture if certain conditions are not met.

Once you have completed the form and submitted it to the IRS, you will be notified of your eligibility for the credit. If you do qualify, you will be able to claim the amount indicated on the form when you file your taxes. Remember that the credit is only applied once to the tax return for the year in which the credit was initially approved.

Existing homeowners

The Form 8396 Mortgage Interest Credit is not limited to just first-time homebuyers – existing homeowners may also qualify with similar income requirements. Depending on your income level and other factors, the exact amount of the credit may vary, but it is generally equal to a percentage of the mortgage interest you have paid throughout the year.

Selling your home

It is also important to note that the Form 8396 Mortgage Interest Credit may be subject to recapture if certain conditions are met. This means if the home is sold or ceases to be your primary residence within nine years of taking the credit, some or all of the credit may need to be repaid. Therefore, it is wise to ensure that you are planning on keeping the residence for at least nine years before applying for the credit.

Higher income

For those with higher incomes, the IRS also offers Home Mortgage Points Deduction. This form is available for taxpayers who have paid mortgage points, which are fees paid at closing for obtaining a mortgage loan. When points are paid, the taxpayer is allowed to deduct them in the year in which they were paid, and the amount is based on a percentage of the total mortgage points paid.


Some states limit the amount of the credit that can be claimed or require additional documentation or verification of certain qualifications. Additionally, state and local governments may impose additional restrictions or requirements for participation in either credit program.

FAQ About Form 8396: Mortgage Interest Credit

An MCC, or Mortgage Credit Certificate, is a tax credit given to qualifying homeowners who buy or refinance their primary residence. The amount of the credit is based on the total mortgage interest paid in the given year and is subject to an annual maximum. The certificate credit rate will be shown on the MCC.
Yes, certain eligibility requirements must be met to qualify for this credit. For example, taxpayers must have an adjusted gross income of between $60,000 to $90,000 for one to two-person households and use the residence as their primary home for at least two years after purchase. Additionally, some states may have additional restrictions or qualifications for claiming this tax credit.
You must enter your MCC information on Form 8396 during the tax filing process. This form includes instructions for entering the credit information, as well as any state or local restrictions that may apply.

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